Summer School 2025

Dear IUSD Community,

We are pleased to present Irvine Unified School District’s Summer Programs 2025.

Preschool and Elementary Summer School (PK-6)

By invitation only:  Learning Recovery in Math and ELA , ELD, and ESY

The Learning Recovery Academy is by invitation only and is designed for students needing additional support in Mathematics and/or Language Arts, English Language Development, or continued learning for our IEP-served students. 

Dates: June 16 - July 15, 2025
(no school June 19 and July 4)




Learning Recovery Academy (LRA)
Incoming 1st - 6th Grade

8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Cypress Village and Meadowpark

English Language Development (ELD)
Incoming 1st - 6th Grade

8:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Extended School Year (ESY)
Preschool through 6th Grade

8:15 AM to 12:15 PM

Cypress Village and Meadowpark

Important Parental Calendar Information:

  • LRA and ELD invitations will be sent out via email on March 17 and the registration window closes on March 28, 2025.
  • Eligibility for ESY will be discussed at your student’s IEP meeting.  Parent registration will follow.
  • Schedules will be available through the Parent Portal on June 9, 2025.

Middle School Summer School (incoming 7-8)

By invitation only: Learning Recovery in Math and ELA , ELD , Middle School Math Bridge and ESY

The Learning Recovery Academy is by invitation only and is designed for students needing additional support in Mathematics and/or Language Arts, English Language Development, or continued learning for our IEP-served students.  MS Math Bridge is designed for students recommended for, and electing to, accelerate their math pathway within IUSD.  For more information, including Math Bridge dates, please visit the course catalog: Middle School Summer School Course Catalog. and 2025 Math Bridge Catalog.

**Middle School Math Bridge Registration will be in-person.  Read the math bridge catalog for more details.

Dates: June 16 - July 15, 2025
(no school June 19 and July 4)




Learning Recovery Academy (LRA)
Incoming 7th & 8th Grade

8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Lakeside and South Lake

English Language Development (ELD)
Incoming 7th & 8th Grade and current 8th Grade

8:30 AM to 12:30 PM


MS Math Bridge

See catalog for the required, in-person dates

Lakeside (in-person dates)

Extended School Year (ESY)
Incoming 7th & 8th Grade

8:20 AM to 12:20 PM

South Lake

Important Parental Calendar Information:

  • Please remember that the Middle School Summer Program is by invitation only.
  • LRA and ELD invitations will be sent out via email on March 17 and the registration window closes on March 28, 2025.
  • Current 8th grade students recommended for ELD will be invited to attend the middle school ELD program.
  • Eligibility for ESY will be discussed at your student’s IEP meeting.  Parent registration will follow.
  • Schedules will be available through the Parent Portal on June 9, 2025.

High School Summer School: Learning Recovery (incoming 10-12), 
Acceleration & Enrichment (grades 10-12) and ESY; and IATP

For a full description of courses, including registration information, pre-requisites, important dates/times, and attendance and school policies, please visit the course catalog: 2025 Summer High School Learning Recovery & Enrichment catalog and 2025 Math Bridge Catalog.

*High School Registration is different than in prior years.  Please read the catalog for specific information about registration for each program.

**Registration will be in-person for the following courses: Health, Driver’s Ed, PE, Physics of the Universe, and High School Math Bridge.  Read catalogs for more details.

LRA and Enrichment dates: June 16 - July 25, 2025
(no school June 19 and July 4)
ESY: High School and IATP June 16th through July 15, 2025
(no school June 19 and July 4)




Learning Recovery Academy
In-person & Hybrid (LRA)
Incoming 10th - 12th

Period 1:   8:15 AM – 10:30 AM
Period 2:  10:45 AM – 1:00 PM

Woodbridge HS

Acceleration & Enrichment
Incoming 10th - 12th Grade

Period 1/2: 8:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Period 3/4: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Period 5/6:  1:30 AM – 3:30 PM


Physics of the Universe

Period 1 & 3: 8:15 AM – 1:00 PM
Hybrid model with virtual AND in person

Monday = Virtual
Thursday = Woodbridge HS

HS Math Bridge

In-person two days/week
Period 1:  8:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Period  3:  11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Woodbridge HS

Extended School Year (ESY)
Incoming 9th -12th Grade
*June 16 - July 15

8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Woodbridge HS

Irvine Adult Transition Program (IATP)
*June 16 - July 15

8:30 AM to 12:30 PM


Learning Recovery and Acceleration/Enrichment Important Parental Calendar Information:

Please read all information in the catalog carefully, before registering for any classes.   


 What if I am not sure what class(es) I should take?

Please check with your counselor.

What if I cannot commit to being there for the duration of the program?

The attendance policies for both Learning Recovery and Acceleration/Enrichment are created to ensure that students receive the maximum benefit from the courses.  If you cannot commit to the attendance policies, outlined in the catalog, please talk with your counselor about other potential options.

How will I know what my schedule will be?

Summer school schedules will be available at on June 9, 2025. The catalog contains directions. 

Contact Information: 

