Parent Media Resources

Common Sense Media is a nonprofit organization that bases its information and resources on current research. There are a number of articles, reviews, and resources that parents can utilize for free to support navigating the digital world with children in the safest, healthiest, and most child-friendly way. 

There are many different sections and resources listed for families on this site. Below is a list of some recommended places to start. 


Setting Limits and Creating Healthy Habits

Find tips on creating balance with screen time, and how to handle inappropriate content.  Please visit Common Sense Media Tips for the Online World for a collection of videos, articles, and FAQs on this topic.


Mental Health and Well-Being

Help your kids navigate the mental and emotional challenges of being online. Plus learn about apps that can help them cope.  Please visit Common Sense Media Tips for the Online World for a collection of videos, articles, and FAQs on this topic.


Media COntent Review

Investigate ratings and reviews of movies, TV shows, books, games, podcasts, apps and more for your child's specific age range as a way to help you be informed and make decisions for your child's online activity and access. Plus learn about apps that can help them cope.  Please visit Common Sense Media Content Review for Parents for a collection of videos, articles, and FAQs on this topic.


Building Digital Skills and Staying Safe

Explore tech tools to navigate the internet, learn new skills, and keep your family healthy.  Please visit Common Sense Media Tips for the Online World for a collection of videos, articles, and FAQs on this topic.



"Tips for the Online World." Common Sense Education,
