Board Meeting Calendar

The Board of Education typically meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month (with exceptions noted*). Regular meetings convene at 6:30 pm in the District Administration Center at 5050 Barranca Parkway, Irvine.

Regular Board Meetings are live streamed, broadcast on Cox Channel 39.

2025 Regular Meeting Dates:

January 28*
February 18
March 11*
April 8*
May 6
May 20
June 10*
June 24*
July 15
August 26*
September 9*
October 7
November 4
December 9* (Organizational/Regular meeting)

*Indicates the meeting is not on the first or third Tuesday of the month.

Board Study Sessions / Special Meetings:

TBD - LCAP Study Session
TBD - Spring Facilities /Measure E Study Session
TBD - Fall Facilities Study Session
