
The Board of Education desires to provide opportunities for district students to receive specialized training and career technical skills through a regional occupational center or program (ROC/P) that prepares them for employment, advanced training, or postsecondary education.

The district shall jointly operate an ROC/P with one or more other school districts in accordance with the terms of a joint powers agreement (JPA). The Board shall select one or more members of the Board to represent the district on the governing board of the ROC/P. (Education Code 52301, 52310.5)

Board members selected to represent the district on the governing board of the ROC/P shall communicate to that body the district Board's positions on matters pertaining to ROC/P program development, budget adoption, program evaluation, and other issues as directed by the Board.

When specified in the JPA, the district may provide teachers, student support services, facilities, or other services to students enrolled in the ROC/P.

The Superintendent or designee shall maintain effective communications with the administrator and staff of the ROC/P and shall ensure that the district is fulfilling its responsibilities as delineated under the JPA.

Student Eligibility and Participation

To enroll in the ROC/P on a part-time or full-time basis, a district high school or adult student must have his/her admittance approved by the ROC/P based on a determination that he/she will benefit from the program. To be eligible, a student must be at least 16 years of age, unless he/she meets one of the conditions specified in Education Code 52314. (Education Code 52314, 52314.5, 52315)

Adult students may have access to ROC/P classes offered on high school campuses after the normal school day.

Credits earned from courses completed in an ROC/P may be applied toward fulfillment of high school graduation course requirements. (Education Code 51225.3, 52310)

Student Services

The district may provide or arrange for transportation to the ROC/P in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation.

The district's academic counseling program shall be designed to increase students' awareness of available educational options aligned with their career goals, including, as appropriate, career technical programs offered through the ROC/P.

Program Evaluation

The Board shall annually hold a public hearing to review and assess the participation of district students in grades 11-12 in the ROC/P and shall adopt an annual plan to increase participation of students in this program, unless it is determined that there are no additional district students who would benefit from this participation. (Education Code 52304.1)

The Board also shall review student achievement data for participating district students.

Legal Reference:

1205 Classification of counties
37223 Weekend classes
39807.5 Transportation to ROC/P, parent/guardian payment
41850 Transportation to ROC/P, apportionments
44910 Permanent employment status; preclusion of ROC/P service
46140 Attendance credit
46300 Computation of average daily attendance
48410 Exemption from compulsory continuation education
48430-48433 Continuation education, ROC/P classes
51225.3 Requirements for graduation
52300-52335.6 Regional occupational centers/programs
60900 California longitudinal student achievement data system

6500-6536 Joint powers agreements

3368 Workers' compensation, responsibility in jointly operated ROC/P

15037.1 Education and job training, performance accountability

10080-10092 Community classrooms
10100-10111 Cooperative vocational education
11500-11508 Regional occupational centers and programs

2301-2414 Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006

Policy Adopted: April 18, 2017