Special DELAC Meeting

English Learner Advisory Meeting
August 11-12, 2020

Special DELAC meeting to approve Learning Continuity Plan for the State on Aug. 12th

As a district we are needing to submit our Learning Continuity Plan to the State for the upcoming school year in regards to virtual/ distance learning. The Learning Plan must be presented to subgroups and feedback given prior to Board approval and State submission.

This special DELAC meeting will be held via Google Classroom similar to our spring DELAC meetings in April and May. The link will be live on August 11th at 5pm through August 12th at 11:59pm. A link to the classroom will be sent closer to the meeting date.

Please email Erin Timberman at erintimberman@iusd.org if you are interested in joining this special District English Learner Advisory Committee meeting.