Jeffrey Trail: Back to School Night @ 6:00pm

Back to School Night
Please plan to join us on this very helpful and informative night. The purpose of this evening is for all parents to meet their student’s teachers and hear about their classroom expectations. Please be aware that parking is limited so we will have parking allowed on both sides of Visions Ave. Our basketball courts will be open and we encourage you to carpool whenever possible. If the lots are full, then Cypress Village Community Park is just across the street.
The night starts at 6:00pm and lasts until 7:35pm. (Zero Period P.E. parents will meet in the Fitness Center at 5:45p.m. – 5:55p.m.).
For any parents interested in getting some help navigating Parent Portal or Canvas, room D-5 will open at 5:00pm with staff members to assist you. Please keep in mind that Back to School Night is a parent/guardian event— students get the night off!!