Digital Citizenship Topics

While the topics and approaches will vary depending on the grade level of students, elements of digital citizenship instruction include:


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  • My Digital Life
    Students explore how and why they use technology differently at home and school, including how online expectations change depending on the setting. They will also recognize that their online actions have real-world consequences.
  • Media Balance
    Students reflect on their media use and think critically about how digital media affects our community and society.
  • Device Care
    Students identify best practices for taking care of school devices as an academic tool and their responsibilities.


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  • Online Communication
    Students reflect on using intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to build and strengthen positive online communication and communities.
  • Cyberbullying and Hate Speech
    Students examine different types of unkind language to understand what distinguishes unkindness from cyberbullying and hate speech, including how each issue affects others and the required responses for each.



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  • Media Literacy
    Students critically think about the information they interact with in their digital lives, including evaluating for purpose and credibility and utilizing information responsibly.
  • Artificial Intelligence
    Students develop a foundational understanding of artificial intelligence, including its capabilities, limitations, and ethical implications, to enable them to navigate an AI-driven world safely and responsibly.


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  • Privacy & Security
    Students learn concrete strategies for safe, appropriate digital interactions so they can minimize the risks associated with online sharing.
  • Digital Footprint
    Students reflect on how sharing information online can affect themselves and others, both positively and negatively, and learn how to manage their online presence to their advantage.

Source: "Digital Citizenship Curriculum." Common Sense Education,
