
In the event of an emergency during the school day, the following are some important points to remember:

  • The District maintains responsibility for our students. IUSD will work with first responders to safely release students to parents or authorized guardians through an established reunification process.
  • Look for information from your school or the District about where parent/student reunifications will take place. You should first check your email, voicemail and text messages. Secondarily, check and finally check IUSD social media. Visit for more information about how to Stay Connected to IUSD, including District social media addresses.
  • Students will only be released to persons listed on the school's emergency contact card.
  • Bring a valid picture ID, such as a driver’s license or passport.
  • Be sure your emergency contacts are up to date in Parent Portal, so that they may also be able to pick-up your child in the event of an emergency. Your emergency contacts must also have a valid photo ID.