Safety Initiatives

  • All IUSD school sites and District facilities have safety plans in place, which are updated annually and as needed throughout the year. Safety plans are reviewed and updated in collaboration with IPD Emergency Management staff, School Resource Officers and other local emergency responders. 
  • Schools regularly conduct safety drills with students and staff to prepare for a variety of potential situations. Drills include procedures for lockdowns; shelter in place; run, hide and act; and earthquake and fire procedures.
  • IUSD implemented the Raptor volunteer and visitor screening system at all school sites.  The system provides a real-time and up-to-date background check on all visitors.  It also checks against county, state and the national sex offender’s registry.
  • District schools restrict campus access during the school day through active supervision and locked doors.
  • IUSD’s Campus Safety Department oversees the 24/7 security operations for the District.  In addition to providing a daily security presence on school campuses, campus safety personnel form positive connections with students, fostering an environment in which students feel safe to report concerns or incidents. 
  • Campus Safety has implemented security cameras on campuses and established an After Hours Hotline.