If a parent would like their student's account balance transferred to a sibling, transferred to our Good Samaritan Account, or refunded, please use our Meal Account Refund/Transfer Request Form and either e-mail it to Amy Harbaugh, turn it in to the Cafeteria, or fax it to our office at (949)936-6529.
Print this "Practice Your PIN Code" worksheet to help elementary students learn their PIN Codes. PIN Codes are emailed to parents in the days before school starts.
For students that require special meal accommodations or have food intolerances, a Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations is required to be completed and signed by a licensed physician or Registered Dietitian. Please send completed forms to our Registered Dietitians, Meghan Norton and Irene Wan via email or fax (949) 936-6529.
Print out a pre-paid envelope using a #10 envelope at home! This makes it easier for our staff to track and split payments between siblings that attend the same school; simply print, seal and return to the Cafeteria.
Principals who feel that they have students at sites who might not have parental or guardian support in order to fill out our Free/Reduced Price Meal Application may fill out this Emergency Application for Free Meals on the students' behalf. This Application will only be accepted and processed once verified that it has been submitted by the school principal.
Emergency Application for Free Meals **SCHOOL OFFICE USE ONLY**