Meadow Park FAQs


Below are Meadow Park Measure E Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.  For a printer-friendly version click here.

Measure E at Meadow Park

Q: How will Measure E work benefit Meadow Park?

A: The IUSD Facilities and Meadow Park leadership teams are still finalizing the planned Measure E upgrades, which will be a combination of repairing the aging Meadow Park campus and adding enhancements, such as doors on classrooms, among other improvements.  Once the details are finalized in the coming months, Principal Potwora will share them with the school community. The upgrades and enhancements will provide improvements to instruction with the creation of flexible spaces allowing instruction to be differentiated and student-learning needs to be better met.

Q: What features will our school receive from Measure E funding?

A: We are early in the design process.  However, the goal is to make the necessary improvements to repair the aging school campus and to incorporate as much of the Board Approved Educational Specifications on this campus with the funds available.  This includes a campus modernization, enclosure of open classrooms and other upgrades.

Meadow Park Measure E Plans

Q: Why are the plans for Meadow Park not finalized?

A: The planning process is an extensive 14-step process; please click here for an infographic with more information.  Although we are early in this process, staff is on track to maintaining the project schedule to start construction in the summer of 2018. 

As soon as the project details are finalized in the coming months, they will be posted to the Meadow Park Measure E webpage. 

Q: When will the plans and features for Meadow Park be finalized?

A: We are early in the design process, but anticipate plans to be finalized and submitted to the Division of State Architect in summer 2017.  Project details and any related updates will be posted to Meadow Park’s Measure E webpage  

Q: Once the project details are finalized, where can we find them?

A: Project details and any related updates will be posted to Meadow Park’s Measure E webpage

Q: What has been the process for determining the work that will be done on the Meadow Park campus?

A: The work that will be done on Meadow Park’s campus is proposed to include campus modernization, enclosure of open classrooms and other upgrades.  While we are early in the design process, we know the needs are greater than funds available. A Planning Committee has been formed and includes Mr. Potwora and Meadow Park school staff. Additionally, a district leadership committee has been established to review and approve facilities staff recommendations for project scope identified during the planning process.

Temporary Relocation Information

Q: Why does our school need to be temporarily relocated to El Camino Elementary School?

A: Student and staff safety – Meadow Park will be an active construction site with several work crews, construction equipment and vehicles.  In addition, there will also be debris, dust and noise that generally accompanies such projects.

Minimal disruption to the learning environment for students.  Students will be in a learning space that is comparable to Meadow Park, without the disruption and safety concerns of heavy construction on campus.

This is the most efficient way to complete the work within a year timeframe.  If staff and students remained on campus, it would delay the project and extend the construction timeframe over several years. 

Q: What is the timeframe for the temporary relocation?

A: The following is the relocation timeline:

Summer 2018 – Teachers and school will relocate to El Camino

August 2018 – Meadow Park students will attend school for the 2018-19 school year

Summer 2019 – Teachers and school will move back into Meadow Park

August 2019 – Students will return to the upgraded Meadow Park campus


Q: Will the District be able to complete the work within the year timeframe?

A: Yes.  The plan is to have the work completed in time to move back to the completed campus during the summer of 2019.

El Camino Elementary Information

Q: Where is El Camino Elementary School located?

A: El Camino is located at 4782 Karen Ann Ln., Irvine.  It is located off Yale Ave., between Irvine Center Drive and Walnut Ave.    

Q: What has the school been used for?

A: El Camino has been in use as a functioning site for an adult education program, a Japanese school and IUSD professional development programs.  In recent years, it was also used to temporarily house students from Deerfield Elementary School.    

Q: Will Meadow Park students be the only students at El Camino?

A: During the 2018-19 school year, Meadow Park students will be the only students attending El Camino.  All other programs will be relocated to other facilities. 

Q: Will the District be making any improvements to El Camino?

A: Although El Camino is in good condition, over the course of the next year, IUSD will make some improvements to the campus to ready it for Meadow Park’s arrival.  Meadow Park staff, along with the Facilities team will work to ensure El Camino feels like a special home for students and families.

Q: Will we have enough classrooms and facilities at El Camino to meet Meadow Park’s needs?

A: Yes, IUSD will ensure that El Camino will be able to accommodate Meadow Park’s enrollment.

Q: Will some Meadow Park students be sent to other schools during the temporary relocation?

A: No.  All Meadow Park students will be relocated together to El Camino.

Q: Will there be a staggered start at El Camino?

A: IUSD and Meadow Park will examine all options for start and end times during this temporary relocation period.  Parents will have an opportunity for input on this important decision and their feedback, along with the Transportation Department’s, will be used to determine the schedule for students and families.  More information will follow in the coming months. 

Construction Process

Q: What happens if the project is not finished within the year timeframe?

A: IUSD’s Facilities and Construction staff has a tremendous track record for staying on schedule for large-scale construction projects.  Since 2013, IUSD has opened or begun construction of a new school each year, with all projects staying on schedule and opening on time.  This is in part due to the team’s continuous oversight of the construction progress, which is required to ensure the project stays on track. The team works diligently to identifying delays early in the process, which allows for opportunities to recover time within the schedule and keep the project on schedule.

Q: If work is finished early, can we return to the Meadow Park campus early?

A: It would be too disruptive to students and teachers to move back to Meadow Park in the middle of the school year.  The relocation process takes a significant amount of time, which would not be feasible during the school year.  

Q: Construction projects can sometimes go over budget.  What is IUSD’s process to track the project budget and does the District have contingencies?

A: The project budgets will have multiple progress checks throughout the planning process and again after the project is bid. Contingencies are also part of project budgets.

Q: What does the planning process entail and have construction plans been submitted?

A: The planning process is an extensive 14-step process; please click here for an infographic with more information.  Our schedule anticipates construction plans being completed and submitted to the Division of State Architect in summer 2017. The review process may take 6-8 months before the plans are approved.  We are track to maintain the project schedule. 

Q: Does IUSD have to submit an environmental impact report for the work that will be done to the Meadow Park campus?

A: No.  The District has completed its analysis for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The project has qualified for an Exemption: 15314 Minor Addition to Schools and was filed on November 29, 2016.

Q: I saw some construction crews taking soil samples around Meadow Park, why were they doing this?

A: A geotechnical engineering firm is required to take samples and prepare a soils report for use by the architect to design the facility improvement project.  This is a standard process. 

Meadow Park Site Questions

Q: What excites teachers and staff the most about Measure E upgrades to Meadow Park?

A: Teachers are most excited about having more collaborative space for students to learn.  Learning has become active – it is typical to see students and teachers spread out and utilize the entire room.  Also, with additional space, staff will be able to work more individually with learning groups to target instruction.

Q: Will trees be removed around the Meadow Park campus?

A: We are very early in the design process and plans have not been finalized.  Although, tree removal is avoided when possible.

Q: Will there be plans for the trailers in the back?

A: We are very early in the design process.  Once the design plans and project details are finalized they will be posted to Meadow Park’s Measure E webpage

Q: Is Meadow Park the first school to receive Measure E improvements?

A: No.  Meadow Park is in the first series of projects identified to be funded with Measure E Improvements. There are 21 school sites identified for projects in Series 1, six of which will begin construction this summer. 

Q: Will the Measure E upgrades to Meadow Park change the student to teacher ratio?

A: No.

Q: Will Meadow Park construction impact South Lake Middle School?

A: Currently we do not foresee impacts to South Lake Middle School.

Q: Will Rainbow Rising be on the El Camino Campus?

A: Yes.  Rainbow Rising will provide the same services as currently provided on the Meadow Park campus.

Q: Where will Rainbow Rising be located during the summer of 2018?

A: As we are early in the planning process, staff will meet regularly with the child care provider to develop a plan for child care program operations, whether that occurs at the current site or at the interim campus.

Q: Does this relocation mean there are changes to school boundaries?

A: No.  Measure E projects and Meadow Park’s temporary relocation will not change school boundaries. 

Q: Current fourth-grade students will finish their sixth-grade year at El Camino.  What will the school do to make this year special for those sixth graders?

A: Meadow Park staff and teachers will develop a plan for students, who will be in the sixth grade during the relocation year, and will communicate the plan to parents. 


Q:  Will the District provide busing to Meadow Park students during the temporary relocation?

A: IUSD will make busing available, at no cost, to all Meadow Park families.  The District is working with Meadow Park staff to determine the safest drop off/pick up zones.  More details will follow on busing in the months ahead.

Q: Will Meadow Park parents have to pay for busing?

A: No.  IUSD will provide busing, at no cost, to Meadow Park families.

Q: Does my child have to take the bus?

A: No.  IUSD is offering busing to assist students and families but parents may also take their students to school.   

General Measure Information

Q: What other schools are receiving Measure E upgrades that will benefit Meadow Park students?

A: South Lake Middle School and Woodbridge High School will also receive Measure E upgrades.  For more information, visit

Q: When South Lake Measure E upgrades are implemented, how will this impact Meadow Park?

A: We do not foresee any impacts to Meadow Park as a result of improvements at South Lake Middle School.

Q: Will fences be put up around the construction sites to keep students and staff safe?

A: Yes.  Safety is our top priority.  Temporary construction fencing will be provided around construction activities.

Q: Will the adjacent Woodbridge Village Association pool be closed during Meadow Park construction?

A: No.  It is a Woodbridge Village Association pool, which IUSD does not oversee, nor will Measure E construction impact this site.


Q: How will Meadow Park and the District communicate Measure E updates to parents?

A: The District has created a Meadow Park Measure E webpage,, in which ongoing updates and information will be posted, including project details and timeline, a photo and video gallery, general Measure E updates and more.

In addition, Principal Potwora will continue to send updates and information to parents throughout the process. 

Q: If I have questions, who should I contact?

A: Please send Measure E questions to  You may also directly reach out to Principal Potwora for the most up-to-date and accurate information about Measure E implementation at Meadow Park.

Q: If I hear information in the community about the Meadow Park Measure E upgrades that concerns me, who should I contact?

A: If you hear information in the community that is concerning and/or raises questions, please contact Principal Potwora directly.  You may also send an email to  
