About Measure E

Measure E Information Points

Essential Upgrades for Equal Educational Standards

Many of Irvine's 40+ schools were built more than 30 years ago and are long overdue for basic repairs and upgrades. While some of our newest schools have modern classrooms, science labs and instructional technology, others don't. IUSD is now working on a plan to provide all students with the classrooms, science labs and school facilities for equal access to 21st century instructional technology and learning tools.

A Targeted Plan for Continued Academic Excellence

In order to improve older schools so they meet the same safety and academic standards as new schools, the IUSD Board of Education voted to place Measure E on the June 2016 ballot. Only voters in the neighborhoods served by the oldest schools will vote on this measure. Only property owners in these neighborhoods will pay the cost of the measure. Property owners in the newest areas paying Community Facility District (CFD) fees, toward school facility construction, will not be impacted by this measure. Most of the high schools and middle schools serving graduates of Irvine's newest elementary schools will receive significant improvements as a result of this measure.

Protecting Funding for Teaching and Instruction at All Schools

IUSD receives the lowest level of per student funding in Orange County. Measure E will create a dedicated funding source for facility improvements at older schools. This measure will protect districtwide program and operational funding from potentially expensive costs so that the facility needs at aging schools do not take funds away from teaching and instructional programs districtwide.

Important Information for Neighborhoods in the Measure E Boundary Area:

  • Funds from Measure E will enable IUSD to provide critical upgrades for aging schools to meet the same academic, technology and safety standards as new IUSD schools.
  • Depending on each aging school's needs upgrades will include additional classrooms, science labs, dedicated spaces for art and music, and technology infrastructure upgrades.

Important Information for Neighborhoods outside the Measure E Boundary Area:

  • Measure E will benefit all IUSD schools by ensuring general funds are allocated to instruction rather than diverting funds to pay for facilities improvements.
  • Most of the high schools and middle schools serving graduates of Irvine's newest elementary schools will receive significant improvements as a result of this measure.
  • Only property owners in neighborhoods near IUSD's older schools will pay the cost of the measure. Property owners in the newest areas paying Community Facility District (CFD) fees toward school facility construction will not be impacted by this measure.
  • Irvine's world-class schools benefit all students and families and protect the value of local homes and the quality of life in the community.
Strong Fiscal Accountability

All funds raised by the measure will go directly to fund school improvements. By law, funds can only be used for facilities projects and cannot be taken away by the state or redirected for other purposes. A Citizens' Oversight Committee and annual independent audits would ensure that money is spent properly.  For more information visit the Citizens' Oversight Committee page by clicking here.


Measure E - This measure is the is the official title for the District's School Facilities Improvement Measure (SFIM). A School Facilities Improvement Measure is placed on the ballot by a school district seeking local voter approval to issue bonds to fund upgrades to local classrooms, science labs, other school facilities and instructional technology. Funds from Measure E must be used locally and cannot be diverted for other purposes or taken away by the State. The bonds are paid for with a temporary property tax assessment based on the assessed value (not market value) of properties. By law SFIMs require strict fiscal accountability protections to ensure funds are spent as promised.

Measure E Boundaries -- Measure E boundaries are also known as School Facilities Improvement District (SFID). An SFID is a geographic area created for the purpose of implementing a SFIM. Measure E boundaries determine the voters who will vote on Measure E and the property owners subject to the cost of the proposal. IUSD's Measure E was developed to focus on the neighborhoods with the oldest schools with the greatest needs and to carve out neighborhoods already paying significant fees toward new school facility construction. Click to see the map for SFID boundaries. 

Community Facility District (CFD) - A CFD is a tool that school districts use to fund new school construction to serve areas with new housing developments. Many of Irvine's newer neighborhoods pay significant CFD fees that have built or are building new school facilities. This is why these neighborhoods have been excluded from Measure E, which is designed to fund upgrades to IUSD's aging schools.
