There’s still time to enroll your child in IUSD’s preschool program for 2016-17

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The Irvine Unified School District’s (IUSD) preschool program still has space available for the 2016-17 school year.  The program, open to children

ages 3 and 4 who live within the District’s attendance boundaries, and is run by a staff of professional educators at IUSD’s Early Childhood Learning Center.  A variety of options are available, including subsidized funding for income-eligible families. Established in 2002, the Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) has worked collaboratively with local families to build a world-class learning community that supports each child’s social, emotional and pre-academic needs. The ECLC campus is located at 1 Smoketree in Irvine. To learn more about registration and enrollment, visit the ECLC website or call 949-936-5890.