Reminder: Measure E Citizens Oversight Committee Applications Due Aug. 10

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The Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) is seeking 10 qualified volunteers to serve on the independent Measure E Citizens Oversight Committee.  Measure E, which was passed by voters in June 2016, is a $319 million school facilities improvement measure. California state law requires that a Citizens Oversight Committee be appointed by the Board of Education to monitor bond expenditures and ensure bond revenues are allocated in compliance with the voter approved measure.  The committee provides transparency and maintains public confidence in the use of Measure E bond funds. Applicants must commit to a two-year term of service and reside or own property within the School Facilities Improvement District (SFID) boundaries.  Click here to view the SFID boundary map.  Membership is voluntary, without compensation, and members must be 18 years of age.  Employees, vendors, contractors, consultants, or IUSD officials are not eligible for appointment to the Committee. The Committee will meet quarterly, with all meetings conducted in the evenings, after work hours, and open to the public. Dates and times to be determined. Applications will be accepted from July 6 through August 10 and are available online at  or at the front desk of the Irvine Unified School District Office, located at 5050 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604.  Completed applications must be received no later than 4 p.m. on August 10.  Committee appointments are expected to be approved by IUSD’s Board of Education at the August 23, 2016 Board Meeting. Applications may be returned by:

  • Email at (Subject Line: Citizens Oversight Committee Application)
  • Fax to 949-936-5259 (Att: Citizens Oversight Committee)
  • Mail or hand-delivered to the District Office at 5050 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604 (Att: Citizens Oversight Committee)

For additional information or questions, please email, call 949-936-5251 or visit
