Program helps Irvine schools serve up free and reduced-price meals to eligible students

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With the start of a new school year, our friends in the Nutrition Services department have asked us to help spread the word that free and reduced-price meals are available to students whose families meet specific income criteria.

Established in 1946, the National School Lunch Program provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to students in public schools, nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. You can find out if your family qualifies by applying online at This is a secure site, and any information shared will only be used to determine your child’s eligibility. (Note that families must reapply each year to determine eligibility.) IUSD’s Nutrition Services team is overdue for a profile on the NewsFlash, as they're constantly striving to improve their menus with tasty offerings that exceed all state and federal requirements. To learn more about how they serve the students of Irvine, click here.