Preschool options are available through IUSD's Early Childhood Learning Center

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Think your child is too young to join the Irvine Unified School District? Well, maybe not.

Registration started Monday, April 15 for IUSD’s brand new fee-based preschool, as well as its state-funded preschool for children of income-eligible families. The programs are open to kids ages 3 to 5 and administered by the team of professional educators at the district's Early Childhood Learning Center.

Established in 2002, the Early Childhood Learning Center has worked collaboratively with local families to build a world-class learning community to support each child’s social, emotional and pre-academic needs.

The ECLC campus is located at 1 Smoketree in Irvine. To learn more, visit the center's website, or call 949-936-5890.