Portola High School Meeting Reminder and Procedures

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Dear IUSD Community,

Rendering of Portola High School Student Union
Rendering of Portola High School Student Union

This is a reminder that tomorrow evening, March 22, at 7 p.m., IUSD will hold a public meeting at the District Office (5050 Barranca Parkway, Irvine) about the Portola High School site. Because this is a Board of Education Meeting, the District is bound by Board policies and practices.  The following information is to help you understand the meeting format, should you wish to attend. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with Board Member roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance.  We then will move immediately to the only business item, “Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) Draft Workplan for Additional Confirmational Testing at Portola High School.”   This business item will begin with an IUSD staff presentation and a presentation by the DTSC, followed by public comments.  Each Board Member also will speak and have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions of IUSD staff and DTSC representatives. The public comment period is the opportunity for meeting attendees to address the Board.  To ensure fairness and that all members of the public have equal time to speak, the public comments will be three minutes per person.  The Board cannot give any one member of the public preferential treatment or more time than others.  However, if you feel your comments or the information you would like to share with the Board will require more than three minutes, please feel free to bring copies of that information to give to the Board and to DTSC representatives. Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a blue “Request to Address the Board” form, available on the information table, and submit it to the Board Secretary.  IUSD staff will be available to assist members of the public. In keeping with the District’s commitment to transparency and to keep you informed, I will provide a brief update after the meeting with next steps. For those who cannot attend the meeting, it will be broadcast live on Cox Channel 39 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99.  The District also will post the video of the meeting online by Thursday, March 24 for on-demand playback. Thank you for your engagement and interest in our students and schools.  The safety of our students, staff and the community is the District’s priority and we look forward to going through this process to reaffirm the safety of the Portola High School site, which will open this August. For more information about the school site, including a comprehensive site history and District communications, please visit iusd.org/portolaconstruction.  To view the meeting agenda and the draft workplan, click here. Sincerely,

    Terry L. Walker Superintendent of Schools, Irvine Unified School District