Mindful Monday: Setting Realistic Goals

Mindful Monday Jan. 9

For our first Mindful Monday of 2023, Jenilee Dinkle, IUSD’s Coordinator of Prevention and Intervention is sharing tips for setting realistic goals. 

  • When goal setting, break it down into small steps rather than big leaps. Start by asking yourself “why?” Why do I want to set this goal and what is the end result?
  • Once you’re clear on why you’ve set the goal and the results you want, then use the SMART framework, which is:
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Achievable
    • Realistic
    • Time-based
  • Most importantly, if you have a setback or change your goal, be kind to yourself. Use changes or challenges as opportunities to adapt, to see new possibilities and either persevere or pivot so that you reach the goal that is best for you.

For more information about Mindful Mondays, visit iusd.org/MindfulMondays.

Mindful Monday Jan. 9