Kids rule Bonita Canyon Elementary School following successful fundraiser

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As part of a school fundraiser, parents at Bonita Canyon Elementary recently took part in a live auction with some interesting prizes at stake. Winning bids meant their children got to – or is it had to? – fulfill critical campus roles, including principal, custodian and librarian.

On Wednesday, April 18, they did just that during B.C.’s 16th annual “Kids Rule the School” event. Sixth-grader Lily Curtis aptly served as principal, sixth-grader Melody Bastani oversaw custodial duties, fifth-grader Sara Sussman filled in an as office assistant, fourth-grader Lexi Camaur was an instructional assistant and fourth-grader Valerie Ihara took over as the school’s librarian. Each was equipped with a whistle, a walkie-talkie, a T-shirt featuring the school’s logo and personalized business cards, according to administrative assistant Deborah Sharpnack. “This year, the positions were all filled by girls, who kept the school afloat with grace and giggles,” Sharpnack said via email. The student staffers also enjoyed a special pizza party in Bonita Canyon’s library, with each inviting a friend. No word on whether Bonita Canyon Principal Bob Curley and his regular crew got stuck doing word problems.