IUSD students are well represented among OC Science and Engineering Fair award winners

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Results are in for the 57th annual Orange County Science and Engineering Fair, and there are quite a few winners from IUSD. In fact, of the 134 students who took home awards in this year’s fair, 38 were from schools in Irvine. By our math, that’s more than 28 percent.The Orange County Register reports that more than 450 aspiring scientists in grades six through 12 submitted projects, which were ultimately judged at the Orange County Fairgrounds. According to the newspaper, 94 students will now advance to the state science fair, which will be held April 30 through May 1 at USC. The O.C. Science and Engineering Fair also featured local awards for a separate science, technology and math competition sponsored by the Broadcom Foundation. The Broadcom MASTERS was specifically open to middle schoolers in grades six through eight, and of the 35 Orange County winners, 10 were from IUSD.