IUSD in the News: State releases school scores, students bury time capsule and more

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Irvine schools were mentioned a few times this week on The Orange County Register's website and in its local publications. Here are some of the stories we spotted: The California Department of Education released its annual report that rates schools on a scale of 1 to 10 -- both statewide and against campuses with similar characteristics -- based on their 2011 Academic Performance Index results. South Lake Middle School, which earned a pair of 10s, is mentioned specifically in the article.  Sixth-graders from Turtle Rock Elementary buried letters, photos and mementos in a time capsule set to be unearthed 20 years from now. (We'll be expecting our "save the date" notice any day.) Kai Ono, a Northwood High School junior, earned honors at the 26th annual Celia Mendez Young Pianist's Beethoven Competition at San Jose State University. Some Meadow Park Elementary students got to take a ride on the Great Park Balloon after each raised at least $500 during a school fundraiser. Irvine middle school students recently showcased their portraits, paintings, masks, sculptures and other works of art during the first-ever “Emerging Artists” exhibit at UCI's Contemporary Arts Center.