Did you know that IUSD offers a Construction Design pathway for students and is hosting an open house and BBQ for the community on Thursday, August 29 from 3-4 p.m. at the Creekside Learning Center (3387 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine 92606)? Join us for food and fun in the new state-of-the-art construction classroom to learn more about courses, hands-on projects, and competitions. Attendees will also receive information on architecture and construction college and career options.
Students interested in enrolling in the program, should see their school Career Specialist or Counselor to register. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6:30 p.m. Last day to enroll is September 3.
IUSD’s Career Technical Education program provides opportunities for students to explore careers from middle through high school. Career education courses provide hands-on learning experiences that build teamwork, leadership, creativity and problem solving skills in a variety of high demand industry sectors. While gaining industry specific skills, students also build the professional skills that transfer to successful careers in any industry sector and that help them succeed in college or university programs. Some of IUSD’s CTE programs include:
- Information Technology
- Engineering
- Film and Video
- Culinary
- Construction Technology
- Automotive Service and Repair
- Health and Medical
- Digital and Visual Media
To learn more about IUSD’s career education program and for a complete list of offerings, visit iusd.org/cte.