Board approves supplemental EIR for high school site, but that doesn't rule out proposed alternative site

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Along with its action on the technology plan, the Board of Education on Nov. 12 approved a resolution certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for one of two potential sites for the fifth high school. This document, which spells out the environmental impacts and potential mitigation measures for proposed construction projects, is required under the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA.

Included in the resolution were approvals for the project as well as a mitigation monitoring and reporting program, but that doesn't mean the board has ruled out the alternative location known as Site B. Faced with an urgent need to open its next comprehensive high school by September 2016, district leaders have made it clear they intend to move forward with the 40 acres initially designated for the campus -- this property is known as Site A -- while also embarking on a parallel review path for Site B. The Orange County Register has more on the board's vote here. (Subscription required)