Air Quality Alert: IUSD Outdoor Activities Resumed

Image of sunny sky

The AQMD has issued an advisory that the air quality is moderate and in areas not affected by smoke activities may resume.  At this time, there is no detectible smoke in the Irvine area.  As a result, IUSD has lifted the advisory and all District outdoor activities are open.  If you have a question, about if your child’s practice or activity, please contact the coach or staff running the program.

In the event that smoke may impact Irvine, please follow this advisory from the South Coast AQMD.

If you see or smell smoke, everyone should avoid any vigorous outdoor or indoor exertion; people with respiratory or heart disease, older adults, and children should remain indoors. Keep windows and doors closed or seek alternate shelter. Run your air conditioner if you have one and keep the fresh air intake closed and the filter clean to prevent bringing additional smoke inside. Avoid using a swamp cooler or whole house fan to prevent bringing additional smoke inside. To avoid worsening the health effects of smoke, don’t use indoor or outdoor wood burning appliances, including fireplaces.

For additional air quality updates, visit