Enrollment Documents

Below is a list of documents to enroll in the Irvine Unified School District. Please make sure you have the documents below at the time of enrollment via Aeries Internet Registration


1. For enrollment, two forms of residency verification are requested, including, but not limited to, any of the following documents:

One of the following:

  • Mortgage contract, lease, or payment receipts (must include signature page);
  • Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts (must include first page and signature page);

AND One of the following:

  • Property tax payment receipts;
  • Current utility service contract, statement, or payment receipts (Gas, Electric, Water, Trash/Sewage dated within the last 45 days);
  • Pay Stub (both name and residence address must appear on payroll document);
  • Voter registration;
  • Correspondence from a government agency (such as DMV, IRS, Social Services, etc);
  • State issued identification with residence property address listed;
  • Credit card bill;
  • Declaration of Residency Affidavit; or
  • University of California, Irvine (UCI) Housing; an official UCI document asserting the person resides in student housing, which usually covers gas and electric

Service and mailing addresses on all provided documents must be for the same residential address within District boundaries. (P.O. Box addresses are not accepted. Disconnection utility notices are not accepted.)

** New Communities K-12 Enrollment Address Verification Form (obtained from the sales office) Along with this form, please provide the first page and the signature page from the purchase agreement. If residing outside of District boundaries, an Interdistrict Transfer Agreement is required for enrollment. If residing within District boundaries, submit two current proofs of residency.

**The District may determine additional documents that will assist in verifying a parent/ guardian's residence address on a case by case basis.

Military Personnel- Submit photocopy of U. S. Uniformed Services Identification Card (front and back) and:

  • Active Duty Military: Copy of active duty military (PCS) orders (SSN Redacted)
  • Retired/Separated: Copy of retirement/separation orders and final DD-214 (SSN Redacted)
  • Proof of Residency: Lease agreement or closing disclosure (formerly HUD-1)*
  • Letter in lieu of for Expedited Military Family Enrollment is acceptable (see school site)

2. Verification of age. The following documents establish age: 

  • Certified copy of birth record;
  • Statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth;
  • Baptism certificate;
  • Passport; or
  • Affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor

3. Residency Affidavit Form 


4. Health Document Requirements

To ensure the optimum health of students and to comply with California state requirements, please review the following immunization requirements that must be met prior to enrollment.

Immunization Resources: 

Families Together of OC 

OC Family Health Clinic 

Immunization Resources 


CalOptima Health

There have been recent changes to Medical Exemption requirements that went into effect January 1, 2021.  Please review the "Medical Exemption Requirements" document and work with your child's healthcare provider should your child require an exemption.  

California law (Education Code Section 49452.8) says every child must have a dental check-up (assessment) by May 31st of his/her first year in public school.  A California licensed dental professional must do the check-up and fill out Section 2 of the below form.  If your child had a dental check-up in the last 12 months, ask your dentist to fill out Section 2.  If you are unable to get a dental check-up for your child by May 31st, fill out the separate Waiver of Oral Health Assessment Requirement Form below.  

California Education code Section 49423 allows the School Nurse or other designated non-medical school personnel to assist students who are required to take medication during the school day.  This service is provided to enable the student to remain in school and to maintain or improve his/her potential for education and learning. 


Other important documents to bring, if applicable:

  • Academic transcript or report card from your previous school. Prior school records will be requested by the school site.
  • Student IEP/504 documents
  • GATE testing certification forms program, For information on established criteria for the IUSD GATE program, please see our policy: GATE Transfer
  • ELPAC/CELDT language test documentation