It is the professional responsibility and a condition of employment for certificated staff to maintain up-to-date credentials.

Please refer to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing website for the latest information regarding California Credential requirements:

Renew your credential in the convenience of your own home! The renewal process for your Clear, Professional, or Professional Clear Credential, or reissuance of your 30-Day Substitute Permit can be submitted on-line with the use of a Visa or Master Card.

CCTC credential renewal link

  • Enter your social security number and date of birth.
  • Select the "renew" box next to the credential(s) that you wish to renew.
  • If you have a professional clear credential you will need to enter information for the self-verification process. If you hold a 30-Day Substitute Permit, a Clear, or a Professional Credential the system will take you directly to step 4.
  • Answer the Personal and Professional Fitness questions. If you answer yes to a question, a full explanation is required in the text box provided.
  • Complete all required fields to process your payment. Enter a confirmation e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail confirmation shortly thereafter - please forward this confirmation notice to Human Resources at When you receive your renewed credential, bring it in so we can make a copy and update your records - or copy both sides and send the copy to Human Resources.
  • Print the confirmation of payment page for your records and record your confirmation number.