Data and Assessment

In Irvine Unified School District, we promise to provide the highest quality educational experience we can envision.  IUSD educators acknowledge the importance of many different types of assessments, or multiple measures, to support all students in reaching proficiency on essential standards within each subject area.  Ultimately, our work is guided by the following essential questions: 

  • What do we want students to know and be able to do?
  • How will we know they have learned it?
  • How will we respond when they don’t learn?  How will we respond when they do?
  • How can we use evidence of student learning to improve our collective practice?
  • How can we increase student ownership of learning?

The IUSD Data and Assessment Department is committed to act in service of this vision by connecting students, educators, leadership, and the community with data and resources to support continuous improvement. Whenever possible, the IUSD Data and Assessment Department will take into account multiple measures and the context of the data when informing educational decision making.

kids with computers

Statewide Testing

assessment research

Conducting Research

As educators, we support high-quality research that would advance the field of education.

School Accountability Report Cards

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Report Cards

The purpose of our elementary report card, aligned to the California State Standards,