California Physical Education Standards Each spring, students in grades 5, 7, and 9 participate in the California Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The physical fitness test used in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM, a comprehensive health-related physical fitness assessment. The purpose of the PFT is to assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity. A Note from IUSD About Your Student's Score Report Physical Fitness Test Frequently Asked Questions For additional information about the Physical Fitness Test, including test options, information about healthy fitness zones, and other resources please visit the links below. Physical Fitness Test - California Department of Education A student is eligible for a maximum of 20 units (two years) of Physical Education via Private Instruction, on a pass/fail basis, under either one of the following conditions: If a high school student is a member of a team in a sport not offered at the school, Upon completion of annual paperwork according to stated timelines, up to five units of credit may be awarded for 18 weeks of scheduled activity. Requests for Waiver from Physical Education for Private Ballet Students Independent Study for PE Forms - Submit to school site assistant principal. Deadline is the first week of classes for each semester or trimester. Physical Education Credit via Private Instruction requires pre-approval by the principal or designee. If approved, the student shall be eligible for one fewer class than is the norm for the grade level. Rev. 1/2025 36th Annual Irvine Junior Games Coming Soon!Curriculum and Assessment
Physical Fitness Test
PE for Private Instruction
Step 1: Criteria
If a middle or high school student is nationally ranked in an individual sport. This eligibility does not include members of a nationally ranked team.
Current National Registries
Teams or team sports currently approved in this category are:
The IUSD physical education philosophy includes the belief that a well-rounded physical education program includes development of skill and understanding across a wide range of fitness, physical, and athletic activity. Cross training is accepted by experts for all types of exercise for dance students. Serious ballet students are not exempt from the normal required physical education courses at middle and high school. (Serious ballet students are those who engage in 15 or more hours per week of 'en pointe' training in a recognized and established dance academy.) However, such students may be exempted from jogging or running long distances or other physical education activities that require unusually hard impact to the feet such as pole vault, hurdles, kicking a soccer ball, or activities that may cause injury because of physical contact. Warm-up should require no more time than the normal warm-up for a non-ballet student, albeit, running would not be part of it. All other typical physical education activity should prove beneficial including weight training, aerobic exercise, swimming, all types of dance, body alignment, and fitness training.
Elite students of classical ballet, with pre-professional status, may make their request utilizing the District Review Panel. Applications will be determined by a number of factors. The student must be invited to audition for and be accepted to a nationally recognized elite summer intensive program that is different than the dancer's regular studio (please include the invitation and letter of acceptance in the application.) The student should also study in a program during the year that uses a nationally recognized curriculum and involves an extensive class schedule. Applications, with supporting documentation, can be sent through the schools to the Director of Secondary Education's Office via your school site's administrator.Step 2: Application & Approval
It is the responsibility of the student to provide appropriate documentation including confirmation of ranking, if applicable, schedule of competitions, and required hours of supervised practice under a qualified instructor.
All other requirements of IUSD Board Policy 6157 and Administrative Regulations regarding Credit for Private Instruction shall apply.
Parents agree to supervise their student during the time they would have been in PE class. A shortened day is to be expected, not allowing for an additional course in the normal school day.
Appeals of school decisions on acceptance of an Independent Study PE application can be made through the office of the Director of Secondary Education via your school site's administrator. Appeals should be placed within seven days of the school decision and include supporting documentation. A District Review Panel will consider appeals and their decision will be final.
Physical Education Credit via Private Instruction Forms
(Application Form, Grade Submission Form, Guidelines Form)
Reference: Amateur Athletic UnionIrvine Junior Games
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Opening Ceremony 9:00am
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