Automotive Service & Repair


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Automotive Repair and Maintenance courses are offered from introductory to advanced levels. An Automotive Intern course is offered through Coastline ROP at University High School. Students should check with their counselor and visit the ROP Coordinator at their high school for more information about the individual courses available at their high school and during after school ROP programs.







Program Details

Automotive Repair and Maintenance courses are offered from introductory to advanced levels. An Automotive Intern course is offered through Coastline ROP. Students should check with their counselor and visit the ROP Coordinator at their high school for more information about the individual courses available at their high school and during after school ROP programs.

Participating Schools

This program is offered at Irvine High School, University High School, and Woodbridge High School.

Curriculum Standards

CA CTE Automotive Service & Repair Curriculum Standards

CA Standards for Career Readiness


Coastline ROP (Regional Occupation Program): The district's partnership with Coastline ROP provides opportunities for students to explore careers in all fifteen CA recognized industry sectors through after school and summer courses. These opportunities include an Automotive Intern course and many other high demand careers, such as Healthcare, Retail Sales, EMT and Sports Medicine, and internships in a variety of industry sector courses. Coastline ROP 

Post Secondary Education: See your Counselor or the ROP Coordinator for more information about post-secondary options in the Automotive and related industries. Among the regional college programs are: 

Saddleback Community College: Auto Technology  program 

Orange Coast College: Aviation Maintenance Technology
