Duties of Volunteers
Volunteers will be assigned to support the following needs:
- Assist certificated and classified personnel in the performance of their duties, including in the supervision of students and in the performance of instructional tasks which, in the judgment of the certificated personnel to which the volunteer is assigned, may be performed by a person not credentialed or licensed as a teacher.
- Serve as non teaching aides under the immediate supervision and direction of certificated personnel performing non-instructional work assisting certificated personnel in the performance of teaching and administrative responsibilities.
- Supervise students during lunch, breakfast, or other nutritional periods.
- Perform other duties in support of District or school operations as approved by the Superintendent or designee, including completing specialized projects under the direction of classified or confidential staff.
Volunteers shall not be authorized to assign grades to students, and shall not be used to assist certificated staff in performing teaching or administrative responsibilities in place of regularly authorized certificated or classified employees who have been laid off.
Volunteer Requirements
The requirements to be a volunteer, as listed below, are based on the legal requirements and guidelines created to keep our students and school environments safe. These requirements are subject to change. All volunteers must display a site issued identification badge while on school grounds and have such identification available while on school-sponsored field trips or activities.
Tier I Volunteers
Tier I Volunteers will work under the direct supervision of District staff and are not interacting with students unless directly supervised. Tier I Volunteers are required to: (1) read the Volunteer Handbook and agree to guidelines presented therein, (2) register through the visitor/volunteer sign-in system at the school front office which includes background checks through Megan’s Law databases, and (3) display site issued identification while on school grounds. Volunteers are required to present government issued identification in order to enable the background check.
Tier ll Volunteers
Tier II Volunteers may assist school personnel in the performance of their duties, which in the judgement of the personnel to whom the volunteer is assigned, may be performed by a person not credentialed or licensed as a teacher. These volunteers may have student interaction that is not directly supervised by a staff member. Prior to assuming a volunteer position working with students in a district-sponsored student activity or program, Tier II Volunteers are required to: (1) complete the Tier I Volunteer requirements, (2) obtain fingerprint clearance through the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation, at the volunteer’s own expense, (3) complete online training in the areas of sexual harassment and mandated reporter obligations, and (4) provide verification or evidence of a recent tuberculosis risk assessment.
Athletic volunteers must complete additional Athletic Coaching clearance steps.
Tier II Volunteers may participate in student activity programs. Student activity programs include, but are not limited to, scholastic programs, interscholastic programs, and extracurricular activities sponsored by the District or a school booster club, such as cheer team, drill team, dance team, and marching band. (Education Code 49024)
Tier II Volunteers in this category may include:
- Volunteer coaches, assistant coaches, co-curricular assistants
- Tutoring or mentoring in an unsupervised school setting
- Chaperoning school-sponsored trips without staff supervision
- Any volunteer activity where there is unsupervised contact with children
- Any volunteer activity where the funding agency requires a criminal record clearance
The requirement to complete a criminal background check shall not apply to volunteer supervisors for breakfast, lunch, or other nutritional periods, or to volunteer non-teaching aides under the immediate supervision and direction of certificated personnel pursuant to Education Code 35021, including parents/guardians volunteering in a classroom or on a field trip, or community members providing non-instructional services. (Education Code 49024)
Tier lll Volunteers (early childhood/pre-school)
Tier III Volunteers work in early childhood and pre-school settings and interact with children. Prior to assuming a Tier III Volunteer position, individuals must meet all requirements listed under Tier I. In addition, Tier III Volunteers must provide evidence that he or she is immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles. Tier III Volunteers must subsequently receive an influenza vaccination between August 1 and December 1 of each year. (Health and Safety Code 1596.7995)
General Guidelines
The Superintendent or designee shall determine which volunteer positions in the District are subject to the above requirements. The need and use of volunteers are discretionary. The Superintendent or designee may adjust or modify these requirements and may make determinations as to the need, if any, for volunteer positions.
Registered Sex Offenders
The Superintendent or designee requires all volunteers to disclose whether they are a registered sex offender and/or to provide the District with sufficient information in order to allow verification of this status on the Department of Justice’s Megan’s Law web site.
Tuberculosis Assessment/Examination (for Tier II and III Volunteers)
Upon initial volunteer assignment, a Tier II and Tier III Volunteer shall have on file with the school a certificate showing that he/she has submitted to a recent tuberculosis risk assessment and, if tuberculosis risk factors were identified, was examined and found to be free of infectious tuberculosis.
The Superintendent or designee may exempt from the tuberculosis risk assessment and/or examination those volunteers whose functions do not require frequent or prolonged contact with students.
Education Code 35021, 45343, 45344, 45349
Education Code 44814, 44815
Education Code 49406
Health and Safety Code 1596.7995
Penal Code 290.95
(cf. 6163.1 - Library Media Centers)
(cf. 4217.3 - Layoff/Rehire)
(cf. 4127/4227/4327 - Temporary Athletic Team Coaches)
(cf. 6145 - Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities)
(cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)
(cf. 3515.5 - Sex Offender Notification)
(cf. 4112.4/4212.4/4312.4 - Health Examinations)
(cf. 4222 - Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals)
(cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development)
(cf. 5148.2 - Before/After School Programs)
Adopted: October 19, 2021