Except in the case of a Board-declared emergency, attendance boundary changes shall be approved by the Board, preferably 24 months in advance, but at least 15 months in advance of the effective date of the change.
Parents/legal guardians of students affected in the initial year of implementation of a boundary change shall be notified, preferably 24 months in advance, but at least one year prior to the effective date of the change.
In some instances, attendance area schools may not have seats available. In such cases, students have the right of continued enrollment at their new school of attendance. If there is an interest to return to their attendance area school, the family shall notify the principal of the school that there is an interest to return. The attendance area school will contact interested families in a timely manner if space becomes available. Pre-Kindergarten students do not have the right of continued enrollment.
Students residing in a Community Facilities District (CFD) shall have priority, to the extent provided by law, for attendance at schools financed in whole or in part by the Community Facilities District. The degree of priority must reflect the proportion of each school's financing provided through the Community Facilities District. (Government Code 53312.7)
The Superintendent or designee shall periodically review school attendance boundaries and, as necessary, make recommendations to the Board for boundary adjustments.
The review should include the following considerations:
- School enrollment data, including declining enrollment patterns
- Facility capacity and design, including potential commercial and residential developments
- School feeder patterns, including maintaining, to the extent practicable, continuity of student attendance
- Federal, state, or court mandates
- Community input
- Student safety
- Transportation capacity
- Community and neighborhood identity
- Geographic features of the district, including traffic patterns
- Educational programs, such as English Learner, Special Education and Advanced Learners
- Consistency between municipal boundaries and high school boundaries
- Or any other relevant factors that assist in establishing school attendance boundaries
Revised October 3, 2017
Board Policy 7100: School and Facilities Planning
Board Policy 5111: Admission/Residency