Physical education programs shall align with California Education Code EDC § 33352 instructional requirements and address the individual interests and needs of all students. Physical education classes shall be conducted in the coeducational, inclusive manner prescribed by this code. The district shall provide instruction in physical education that provides equal access and equal opportunities for participation for all students in grades K-12 regardless of gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, and mental or physical disability.
All students, K-12, shall be provided opportunities to be physically active on a daily basis. In addition to formal physical education classes, opportunities for moderate to vigorous physical activity may be provided at recess, during extracurricular activity, before and after school and other structured and non-structured times.
At the elementary level, and including K-8 schools, each school shall develop a school-wide physical education program that follows the guidelines presented in the California Physical Education Content Standards and meets the instructional minute requirements of the California Education Code (200 minutes per 10 school days). The program shall be consistent and systematic in teaching movement skills and conditioning activities to ensure that students develop their physical fitness. The physical education program shall develop each student’s flexibility, agility, coordination, strength, and endurance, incorporating a progression of skills and activities from the simple to the more complex. This program shall be flexible enough to accept each student with his/her own pattern of growth and development and include activities that assure both individual and group development throughout the student’s school years.
At the secondary level, students shall follow the guidelines presented in the California Physical Education Content Standards and meet the state instructional requirements (400 minutes per 10 school days), while learning the elements for both individual/dual and team physical activities and games. Instruction will cover movements, skills, and conditioning techniques, while developing personal fitness awareness. For grades 9-12, the overall course of study shall address the effects of physical activity upon dynamic health, the mechanics of body movement, aquatics, gymnastics and tumbling, individual and dual sports, rhythms and dance, team sports, and combatives. (Education Code 33352; 5 CCR 10060)
If the instructional minute requirement cannot be met during any 10-day period due to inclement weather, a school assembly, field trip, student assessment, or other circumstance, the school shall make up those minutes on another day in order to satisfy the instructional minute requirement. When there is air pollution, extreme weather, or other inclement conditions, physical education staff shall make appropriate adjustments to the program or shall seek alternative indoor space to enable students to participate in active physical education.
Any complaint alleging noncompliance with the instructional minute requirement may be filed in accordance with the district's procedures in AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. A complainant not satisfied with the district's decision may appeal the decision to the California Department of Education (CDE). If the district or CDE finds merit in a complaint, the district shall provide a remedy to all affected students and parents/guardians. (Education Code 51210, 51222, 51223; 5 CCR 4600-4670)
The Board of Education shall approve the courses in grades 9-12 for which physical education credit may be granted, including, but not limited to, athletics, marching band, cheerleading, dance or drill team. In making this determination, the Board must determine how the particular course supports an overall course of study for grades 9-12 that includes the eight content areas specified in Education Code 33352 and 5 CCR 10060 for physical education programs. While it is not necessary that each individual course include all eight content areas, the course offerings must be structured so that all students receive opportunities for instruction in each of the eight areas across grades 9-12 and can meet the graduation requirement of 20 credits.
Students with disabilities shall be provided instruction in physical education in accordance with their individualized education program or Section 504 accommodation plan.
Physical education instruction shall be delivered by appropriately credentialed teachers who may be assisted by instructional aides, paraprofessionals, and/or volunteers.
The district shall provide physical education teachers with continuing professional development, including classroom management and instructional strategies designed to keep students engaged and active to enhance the quality of physical education instruction and assessment.
Physical Fitness Testing
The Superintendent or designee shall annually administer the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) designated by the State Board of Education (FITNESSGRAM) to students in grades 5, 7, and 9. (Education Code 60800; 5 CCR 1041). A make-up date may be provided for students who are unable to take the test based on absence or temporary physical restriction or limitations, such as students recovering from illness or injury. (5 CCR 1043)
Students shall be provided with their individual results after completing the FITNESSGRAM. The test results may be provided in writing or orally as the student completes the testing, and shall be included in the student’s cumulative record. (Education Code 60800; 5 CCR 1043.10, 1044). Each student’s test results shall also be provided to the student’s parents/guardians.
The Superintendent or designee shall report the aggregate results of the FITNESSGRAM in the annual school accountability report card required by Education Code 33126 and 35256.
Program Evaluation
The Board of Education and the Superintendent or designee may evaluate physical education program quality and the effectiveness of the district's program in meeting goals for physical activity and student well-being. This evaluation will be based on but not limited to:
- FITNESSGRAM or state approved testing instrument results for each applicable grade level
- The number of instructional minutes offered in physical education for each grade level
- The number of two-year and permanent exemptions granted pursuant to Education Code 51241
- Any other data agreed upon
Testing Variations
Students with a physical disability and students who are physically unable to take all of the test components shall undergo as much of the test as their physical condition will permit (Education Code 60800; 5 CCR 1047). Students with disabilities may be provided accommodations if specified in their individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan (5 CCR 1047).
Students at the 9th grade level will be trained and provided with both the mile and the pacer assessment options in the area of aerobic capacity. If a student does not pass one of these two Fitness Exams they will then be provided the option of the Walking Test. If the student does not pass any of the three exams, data will be gathered from the exams in order to identify interventions that can be put in place for the student during their 10th grade year.
Two years of physical education shall be required of all high school students to meet graduation requirements (BP 6146.7). 9th grade participation in physical education is required. 10th grade participation is encouraged and required if 5 out of 6 components of the FITNESSGRAM are not passed. A temporary, two-year, or permanent exemption may be granted. Student and parent signatures shall be required if the student is not to be enrolled in physical education classes and has not completed the two year or 20 credit requirement.
Temporary Exemptions
The Superintendent or designee may grant a student a temporary exemption from physical education under either of the following conditions: (Education Code 51241)
- The student is ill or injured and a modified program to meet the student's needs cannot be provided.
- The student is enrolled for one-half time or less.
Two-Year Exemptions
Students who have completed 9th grade and who have passed the FITNESSGRAM may request a two-year exemption. They remain responsible for completing the graduation requirement of 20 credits. A student is considered to have passed the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) by reaching the healthy fitness zone established by the state department of education in 5 of the 6 Physical Fitness Test components. Upon request by students and/or their parents/guardians, the Superintendent or designee may administer the FITNESSGRAM, in areas not previously passed, to students in grades 10-12 who need to pass the test in order to qualify for a two-year exemption from physical education courses.
Students in grades 10-12 who have been granted a two-year exemption shall be offered a variety of elective physical education courses of not less than 400 minutes each 10 school days. (Education Code 33352, 51222)
Such students shall not be permitted to attend fewer total hours of courses and classes than they would have attended if enrolled in a physical education course. (Education Code 51241)
Permanent Exemptions
The Superintendent or designee may grant a student a permanent exemption from physical education under any of the following conditions:
- The student is at age 16 years or older and has been enrolled in grade 10 for one or more academic years. However, such a student shall not be permitted to attend fewer total hours of courses and classes than the student would have attended if enrolled in a physical education course.
- The student is enrolled as a postgraduate student.
- The student is enrolled in a juvenile home, ranch, camp, or forestry camp school with scheduled recreation and exercise.
Students who have been granted a permanent exemption shall be offered a variety of elective physical education courses of not less than 400 minutes each 10 school days. (Education Code 33352)
Other Exemptions
- When the student is in any of grades 10-12 and is excused for up to 24 clock hours in order to participate in automobile driver training. However, any such student shall attend a minimum of 7,000 minutes of physical education instruction during the school year. (Education Code 51222)
- When the student is in any of grades 10-12, attends a regional occupational center or program, and, because of the travel time involved, would experience hardship to attend physical education courses. Any such student shall have a minimum school day of 180 minutes. (Education Code 52316)
- When the student is in high school and is engaged in a regular school-sponsored interscholastic athletic program carried on wholly or partially after regular school hours. (Education Code 51242)
Adopted: June 6, 2006
Revised: March 15, 2022