Objective criteria are established to determine the conditions under which a school shall be considered a candidate for opening, [re-opening], refurbishing, or closing.
Opening an Elementary or Middle School
Consideration may be given to opening (or re-opening) a school, when one or more of the following conditions is met:
  1. the actual number of schools at a given level is less than the optimum number of schools at that level;
  2. the residential community to be served is not located within the maximum radius of existing school(s), and the anticipated peak enrollment exceeds the targeted average enrollment for the school under consideration;
  3. the residential community to be served is located within the maximum radius of existing school(s); however the existing school(s) is/are unable to accommodate the anticipated peak enrollment, or the anticipated peak enrollment from the residential community to be served exceeds the targeted school average enrollment;
  4. the proposed school site is located within the maximum radius of an existing school or schools, but those existing site(s) are determined to need substantial maintenance within the next 3 to 5 years and are not candidates for further investment;
  5. the proposed school is capable of supporting larger, more flexible facilities with more cost-effective class enrollments and can be located on a site that has sufficient acreage and is easily accessible.
Refurbishing a School
Consideration may be given to refurbishing (or reconstructing) a school, when one or more of the following conditions is met:
  1. the actual number of schools at a given level is less than the optimum number of schools at that level;
  2. the school facility serves a residential community that is beyond the maximum radius of another school and has an anticipated projected or actual enrollment that exceeds the targeted average school enrollment;
  3. the school facility sits within the maximum radius of a residential area that is already served by other schools, but those schools do not each enroll the targeted average number of students, and the facility to be refurbished has sufficient acreage and a satisfactory location with which to consolidate students from the nearby under-utilized schools that may be candidates for closure;
  4. the school facility serves a residential area that could also be served by a new school in a new development within the same residential area; however,
  • the existing site has been classified as a candidate for refurbishment because of its location, acreage, funding, access, transportation routes, or other key quality and functionality criteria that make it a better choice for the community than the new site; and
  • a workable refurbishment plan can be created and implemented, and the plan addresses student housing needs during construction;

5.     the school facility provides the opportunity for serving alternative programs and optimum school choice within the overall mix of IUSD school options.

Closing an Elementary or Middle School
Prior to Board consideration of a recommendation to close a school, a comprehensive analysis of identified impacts must be conducted. Prime consideration is given when all early warning indicators, a-e, are met:
  1. the actual number of schools at a given level exceeds the optimum number of schools at that level;
  2. the projected or actual enrollment from the assigned attendance area of a given school is less than half the targeted school average enrollment, or the overall enrollment is less than 75% of the targeted school average enrollment;
  3. the projected or actual enrollment from the assigned attendance area of a given school can be accommodated at nearby schools while observing district policies on school size and reasonable proximity (for schools without an assigned attendance area, the enrollment can be accommodated at their assigned neighborhood schools);
  4. the necessary capacity to serve students from the assigned attendance area of a given school can be created at schools within the maximum radius of the residential area (or the assigned attendance area), if necessary, by some combination of factors such as, but not limited to:
  • changing attendance boundaries
  • returning students from outside the attendance boundaries to assigned attendance area school
  • adding additional seating capacity
  • relocating special district programs.
5.    the projected benefit to the general fund is significant either through reduced expenditure or increased revenue.
An additional prime consideration is also given when the following condition is met:
The school has been classified as a site in need of substantial maintenance within the next 3 to 5 years, and is not a candidate for refurbishment or reconstruction based on restrictive location, limited acreage, excessive funding requirements, limited access, undesirable transportation routes or other key quality or functionality criteria.
January 14, 2003