BOARD POLICY - 5141.31

To protect the health of all students and staff and to curtail the spread of infectious diseases, the IUSD Board of Education shall cooperate with state and local public health agencies to support the immunization of all district students against preventable diseases.

Each student enrolling for the first time in an Irvine Unified School District school, preschool, or childcare and development program, or enrolling in or advancing to grade 7, shall present an immunization record from any authorized private or public health care provider certifying that the student has received all required immunizations in accordance with law.

Students shall be excluded from school or exempted from immunization requirements only as allowed by law.

Parents/guardians of transfer students shall be requested to present immunization records upon registration at district schools, when possible.

Legal Reference
Education Code
48850 et seq., 51745 et seq., 47612.5

Health and Safety Code
120335 et seq., 120370 et seq., 120325, 120375, 120338

California Administrative Code
Title 17 Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter 8, Section 6000 6075

Policy Adopted: May 19, 1992
Policy Revised: December 8, 2015
Policy Revised: July 13, 2021

Administrative Regulation
