
Eligibility requirements apply to any school-sponsored activity which requires extensive time outside the regular school day. Such time is roughly equivalent to 1-2 hours per day, 4-5 days per week for the duration of the activity. This “outside time” includes both practices and performances, or other work time associated with the activity, and occurs after school and/or on weekends. Excluded from eligibility requirements are those activities which have occasional rehearsals or performances outside school hours. (See Tentative Annual List at the end of this Administrative Regulation.)

Specifically, to be eligible to participate, the student must:

  • maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average for the previous grading period (quarter)
  • have passed four classes and at least 20 semester units of work at the completion of the last grading period
  • be currently enrolled in at least 25 semester units of work, or at least 20 units for second semester seniors
  • have official status as an Irvine Unified student meeting residency requirements
  • have no known conviction of a felony, or known adjudication as a Ward of the Court, based on the commission of a felony, unless the sentence has been served and any court-prescribed formal probation completed

Students engaged in activities who are currently enrolled in less than 25 units, or second semester seniors who are enrolled in less than 20 units, or who do not pass at least 4 classes the previous quarter, become immediately ineligible without provision for a probationary period. For students who are enrolled in a course with a Pass/Fail grade, a "P" grade will be the equivalent of a "C" grade for GPA determination. Students should be enrolled in such courses for a majority of the quarter.

The grade point average (GPA) used to determine eligibility for extracurricular and cocurricular activities shall be based on grades of the last previous grading period during which the student attended class at least a majority of the time.  If a student was not in attendance for all, or a majority of, the grading period due to absences excused by the school for reasons such as serious illness or injury, approved travel, or work, the GPA used to determine eligibility shall be the grading period immediately prior to the excluded grading period(s). (Education Code 35160.5)

Students engaged in activities, whose previous quarter GPA is less than 2.0, are immediately ineligible, except that during the four years of high school each student is entitled to one 9-week probationary period, during which participation may continue.

When a student becomes ineligible to participate in extracurricular or cocurricular activities in the upcoming grading period, or when he/she is subject to probation, the principal or designee shall provide written notice to the student and his/her parent/guardian.

Academic Probation

During the four high school years, a student whose GPA during the previous quarter falls below the participation requirement is entitled to one 9-week probationary period. During the probationary period, the student may continue to participate in the activity, and the student is provided additional academic support. The school staff shall have in place a plan under which students on probation receive additional guidance and support during the probationary period. Such support shall typically include more frequent monitoring of achievement, plans for structured study-time, and additional study support where necessary. A student who has participated under a probation period and earns a GPA of less than 2.0 during any subsequent quarter becomes immediately ineligible without provision for probation and remains ineligible until all requirements are met.

Activity During Ineligibility

Eligibility is checked at the end of each 9-week reporting period. Ineligible students may not participate in scheduled performances or events during the period of ineligibility. Ineligible students may continue to participate in activities during class time; however, participation outside class time is limited to scheduled practices or rehearsals.

Transfer Students

Eligibility for transfer students from outside the District shall be determined, using the IUSD policy for residency (BP 5111.1 and AR 5111.1).

Summer School

Summer school classes, either make-up from the previous semester or new, may be combined with the last spring reporting period to determine eligibility for the fall quarter. In the case of a make-up class, the highest of the marks earned will be used to reassess eligibility. Relative to a new class, the mark from the new class will be combined with all classes taken during the previous reporting period to reassess eligibility.

Alternative High School

Students enrolled in an alternative high school (Creekside High School) may participate in athletic activities at his/her high school of residence.

Annual List of Activities Subject to Eligibility Requirements

Each high school shall annually prepare and publish a list of activities which fall under the IUSD eligibility requirements.

Tentative Annual List
Academic Decathlon
ASB Officers
Cheerleaders/Pep Squad
Choral and Instrumental Groups (that meet time criteria)
Class Officers
Color Guard
Drama and Musical Productions (that meet time criteria)
Marching Band
Speech/Debate Team


For purposes of applying eligibility criteria for student participation, extracurricular and cocurricular activities shall be defined as follows:  (Education Code 35160.5)

1.    Extracurricular activities are not part of the regular school curriculum, are not graded, do not offer credit, do not take place during classroom time, and have all of the following characteristics:

a.   The program is supervised or financed by the school district.

b.   Students participating in the program represent the school district.

c.   Students exercise some degree of freedom in the selection, planning, or control of the program.

d.   The program includes both preparation for performance and performance before an audience or spectators.

2.    Cocurricular activities are programs that may be associated with the curriculum in a regular classroom.

An activity is not an extracurricular or cocurricular activity if either of the following conditions applies:  (Education Code 35160.5)

1.      It is a teacher-graded or required program or activity for a course which satisfies the entrance requirements for admission to the California State University or the University of California.

2.      It is a program that has as its primary goal the improvement of academic or educational achievement of students.


All extracurricular activities conducted under the name or auspices of a district school or any class or organization of the school, regardless of where the activities are held, shall be under the direct supervision of certificated employees.  (5 CCR 5531)

Any noncertificated person working with students in a district-sponsored extracurricular student activity program shall possess an Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing or shall have cleared a Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal background check prior to beginning his/her duties, in accordance with Education Code 49024.

(cf. 1240 - Volunteer Assistance)
(cf. 4112.5/4212.5/4312.5 - Criminal Record Check)
(cf. 4127/4227/4327 - Temporary Athletic Team Coaches)

(12/90  11/01)  3/12

Policy Adopted: April 9, 1973
Policy Revised: September 12, 2017