The Board of Education vests the Superintendent with responsibility for maintaining an effective educational program. The Superintendent or designee shall evaluate and report to the Board of Education, achievement data for each school and for each numerically significant student subgroup. Reports will include, but are not limited to, school and subgroup performance on statewide achievement indicators and progress toward goals specified in the District's Local Control and Accountability Plan.
Based on this data and ongoing evaluation of student needs, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure appropriate action is taken to maintain the effectiveness of programs and to improve the quality of education for all students.
Legal Reference:
51041 Education Program, Evaluation and Revisions
52052 Public School Performance Accountability Program
52060-52077 Local Control and Accountability Plan
52052 Public School Performance Accountability Program
Policy Adopted: April 9, 1973
Policy Revised: April 23, 2019