The Education and Administrative Codes of the State of California and the policy of the Board of Education of the Irvine Unified School District permits pupils the right to exercise free expression, except that expression shall be prohibited which is obscene, libelous or slanderous. Also prohibited shall be expressions which so incites students as to create a danger of the commission of unlawful acts, or the violation of school regulations, or the disruption of the orderly operation of the school.

All students of the Irvine Unified School District shall attend school and school activities dressed in a manner that is conducive to and promotes a positive learning environment. Appropriate school dress and personal appearance are clean, are not hazardous to student safety, and do not disrupt instruction.

Freedom of expression is a right guaranteed all Americans. Each student's dress and personal appearance is, within certain limits, a matter of personal style and individual preference. However, decisions concerning appropriate school dress and personal appearance should occur in partnership with students, parents, and school to assure the greatest opportunities for student success.

Each school shall have the latitude to prohibit the wearing of any clothing, attire, apparel or accessory which is hazardous to or disruptive of the learning environment. Each school principal, in cooperation with teachers, students, parents/guardians, may establish school rules governing student dress and personal appearance. Individual school rules shall be reviewed regularly.

The superintendent or designee will ensure that each school site provides students and parents with a Code of Conduct or School Handbook that outlines the sites dress code expectations.  The dress code should be designed to ensure a positive learning environment free from disruption, a safe environment where clothing choices do not impede safe movement, and a healthy environment where students are not exposed to illegal or controlled substances or unlawful behavior depicted on student clothing. Students and parents shall be informed about dress and personal appearance standards at the beginning of the school year, upon enrollment in school, and/or whenever the standards are revised.

  • Each school shall allow students to wear sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to hats, for outdoor use during the school day. (Education Code 35183.5)
  • Coaches and teachers may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of certain sports and/or classes.
  • No grade of a student participating in a physical education class shall be adversely affected if the student does not wear standardized physical education apparel because of circumstances beyond the student's control. (Education Code 49066)  

Students who violate this policy, its regulations, or school rules adopted pursuant to this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Gang-Related Apparel:

At individual schools that have a dress code prohibiting gang-related apparel at school or school activities, the principal, staff and parents/guardians participating in the development of the school safety plan shall define "gang-related apparel" and shall limit this definition to apparel that reasonably could be determined to threaten the health and safety of the school environment if it were worn or displayed on a school campus. (Education Code 32282)

Because gang-related symbols are constantly changing, definitions of gang-related apparel shall be reviewed at least once each semester and updated whenever related information is received.


In schools where a schoolwide uniform is required, the principal, staff and parents/guardians of the individual school shall jointly select the specific uniform to be worn. (Education Code 35183)

At least six months before a school uniform policy is implemented, the principal or designee shall notify parents/guardians of this policy. (Education Code 35183)

Parents/guardians shall also be informed of their right to have their child exempted.

The Superintendent or designee shall establish criteria for determining student eligibility for financial assistance when purchasing uniforms.

Students who participate in a nationally recognized youth organization shall be allowed to wear organization uniforms on days when the organization has a scheduled meeting. (Education Code 35183)
