Management Team Employees

The Board of Education shall designate as management personnel any employee in a position having significant responsibility for formulating district policies or administering district programs.

The Superintendent, in conjunction with management team personnel, shall develop appropriate standing rules and regulations for the implementation of policy.

The Board of Education shall designate as confidential management team personnel those employees whose duties normally require access to confidential information directly related to the collective bargaining process and/or employee-employer relations.

Supervisory Employees

The Board of Education shall designate as supervisory personnel those employees recognized in the Agreement between Irvine Unified School District and the exclusive representative of supervisory employees, the Irvine Supervisory Association.

Certificated Employees

The Board of Education shall designate as certificated employees those employees recognized in the Agreement between Irvine Unified School District and the exclusive representative of certificated employees, the Irvine Teachers Association.

Administrative Assistants to the Principals

The Board of Education shall designate as Administrative Assistant to the Principal those employees who provide direct support for the school site principal by planning, organizing, and supervising the school office/administration operation.

Classified Employees

The Board of Education shall designate as classified employees those employees recognized by the Irvine Unified School District and the exclusive representative, the California School Employees Association.

Legal Reference:   Government Code 3540.1 

Policy Adopted: March 24, 1976
Policy Revised: January 21, 1980
Policy Revised:  May 18, 2004