Employees newly hired for regular positions in the classified service shall be considered probationary employees until they have satisfactorily completed six months of probationary service. Upon satisfactorily completing this period, they shall become permanent classified employees of the District.
Employees newly hired for a classified management/supervisory or confidential classification shall be considered probationary until they have satisfactorily completed one year of probationary service. Upon satisfactorily completing this period, they shall become permanent classified employees of the District.
Employees whose positions are designated as senior management of the classified service shall be a part of the classified service and shall be afforded all rights, benefits, and burdens of other classified employees, except that they shall be exempt from all provisions relating to obtaining permanent status in a senior management position. In the event the Board determines an employee in the senior management of the classified service is not to be reelected or reemployed upon the expiration of his or her term, he or she shall be given written notice thereof by the Board at least 45 days in advance of the expiration of his or her term. In the event the Board fails to reelect or reemploy an employee in the senior management of the classified service and the written notice herein provided for has not been given, he or she shall be deemed reelected for a term of the same length as the one completed, and under the same terms and conditions and with the same compensation.
Probationary employees shall normally receive two written performance evaluations by their supervisor during the probationary period. These evaluations shall indicate whether the evaluator is satisfied or not satisfied with the employee’s ability, performance, and compatibility with the job. Neither a satisfactory evaluation, nor the lack of a written evaluation, during the probationary period is a guarantee that the employee will complete the probationary period and become a permanent employee.
The Superintendent or designee may dismiss the employee at any time, with or without cause, during the initial probationary period. Probationary employees are not entitled to a hearing or any other due process in connection with their dismissal.
Permanent employees who have completed the designated probationary period in a classification and are promoted to a new or higher classification shall be considered probationary in their new or higher classification until they have satisfactorily completed six months of service in that position, unless the new or higher position is in a classified management/supervisory or confidential classification, in which case the probationary period in the new or higher classification is one year.
A permanent employee who accepts a promotion and fails to complete the probationary period for that promotional position shall be employed in the classification from which he/she was promoted.
This policy shall be made available to classified employees and the public.
Legal Reference
35031 Term of employment for senior management
45100.5 Senior management positions
45104.5 Abolition of senior management position; effect
45108.5 Senior management employee; definition; maximum number of positions
45113 Rules and regulations for classified service in districts not incorporating the merit system
Management Resources
California School Employees Association:
Policy Adopted: October 18, 2016