It is the expectation of the district that all personnel will be responsive to parents’ concerns and attempt to resolve problems at the most appropriate level, i.e., a parent concerned about a problem in the classroom or registration, is most desirably resolved between the teacher/coach/school staff  and the parent.  Failing that, it should be referred to the principal or designee and, if necessary, subsequently to the superintendent or designee.  It is neither required nor desirable that an employee face abusive language or behavior.

This regulation promotes mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among district employees, parents, and the public.  This policy is not intended to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression, but only to maintain, to the extent possible and reasonable, a safe, harassment-free workplace for students and staff.  In the interest of presenting district employees as positive role models to the students of this district as well as the community, the Irvine Unified School District encourages positive communication and discourages volatile, hostile or aggressive behavior.

Any individual who disrupts or threatens to disrupt school/office operations; threatens the health and safety of students or staff; willfully causes property damage; uses loud and/or offensive language; or who has otherwise established a continued pattern of unauthorized entry on school district property, etc. will be directed to leave school or school district property promptly.  Individuals who fail or refuse to leave school grounds or district property after being directed to do so by the school principal, designee, school security officer, or district official should be reported to the police.

In a situation in which an employee is involved with a parent or other individual who becomes verbally or physically abusive, it is the prerogative of that employee to, as politely as possible, terminate the conference or phone call and refer the complainant to the employee’s supervisor.  In the case of physical threat, the police should be called.

If any individual abuses the privilege of communicating via voice mail and/or e-mail, that privilege may be revoked by the superintendent or designee.  Abuses are enumerated above, but also include inappropriate use of the “copy to:” feature, excessive size, or frequency of email.  The use of any electronic listening or recording device without the prior consent of the teacher, school employee, and principal of the school or district site is prohibited, and any person who willfully violates this section shall be reported to the police.  This section is not intended to prohibit or limit the use of electronic listening or recording devices to promote an educational purpose, such as Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and/or expulsion hearings where allowed by law within identified legal parameters.

When violence is directed against an employee, employees shall promptly report the occurrence to their principal or supervisor.  Employees and supervisors should report to law enforcement any attack, assault, or threat made against them on school/district premises or at school/district sponsored activities.

Legal Reference:

32210 Willful Disturbance of School
32211 Requests to Leave School Grounds
44014 Assault on Employees
44810 Willful Interference with School
44811 Disruption of Class or Extracurricular Activities
51512 Use of Electronic Devices

71 Threats to School Officers
243.5 Arrest on School Grounds
415.5 Fighting on School Grounds
626.6 Disruption by Non-Students
626.7 Interference with the Peaceful Conduct of School Activities
626.8 Entry of School by Person Not on Lawful Business
627.7 Refusal to Leave School Grounds
653g Loitering

