Enrollment Restrictions for 2018-19 School Year

Every effort is made to keep this list current; however, this list is subject to change without notice.

The closed grade levels and schools listed below are for the 2018-19 school year and may or may not apply to the subsequent school year.


  • FOR ELEMENTARY: Schools north of the I-5 freeway are closed to all transfers from south of the I-5.
    ( Please see our school maps under the "School" link for boundary information.)

Enrollment Procedures & Required Documents may be reviewed on the IUSD website.

Elementary Closed to Students Outside School Attendance Area

Grade Levels

Closed Completely

Referral School for 
Closed Grade Levels
Alderwood TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Beacon Park TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Bonita Canyon TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Brywood TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Canyon View TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Cadence Park TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
College Park TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Culverdale TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Cypress Village TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Deerfield TBD 4, 5, 6 Based on grade level and space availability
Eastshore TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Eastwood TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Greentree TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Meadow Park TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Northwood TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Oak Creek TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Plaza Vista TBD TBD College Park
Portola Springs TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Santiago Hills TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Springbrook TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Stone Creek TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Stonegate TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Turtle Rock TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
University Park TBD TBD Based on grade level and space availability
Vista Verde TBD TBD Bonita Canyon 
Westpark TBD 1, 2 Culverdale
Woodbury Closed TBD Eastwood

Secondary schools are only open for school choice during the open enrollment time frame for incoming 7th and 9th grade students according to space availability. Checked schools are closed for the entire year.

Middle School School Closed to
Non-IUSD Residents
Closed to Outside
School Attendance Area
Jeffrey Trail X X
Lakeside X  
Plaza Vista X  
Rancho San Joaquin X X
Sierra Vista X  
South Lake X  
Venado X  
Vista Verde X  

High School

School Closed to
Non- IUSD Residents

Closed to Outside
School Attendance Area
Irvine X  
Creekside X  
Northwood X  
University X  
Woodbridge X  

2018-19 Enrollment Restrictions revised on August 2018
