Questions and Answers related to students with IEP’s and school closure

Q: What is IUSD doing to support students with IEPs?
A: As IUSD continues to provide learning opportunities during this public health crisis, we are committed to supporting students receiving IEPs and other supports. Under the guidance of the California Department of Education (CDE) and the U.S. Department of Education, the District is collaborating with our teachers and support staff as we work to meet the needs of students with IEPs. CDE has established a workgroup of special education practitioners and other experts to help brainstorm best practices that they plan to share in the coming weeks. We’ll continue to keep our families informed and continually review how we can best support our students with special needs. For questions or concerns, please contact your teacher(s) and principal.

Q: Will my child still have their annual or triennial IEP meeting while the schools are closed?

A: If your child has an Annual or Triennial IEP due during the time that Emergency Distance Learning is occurring, their case manager/education specialist will be reaching out to you to see if you would like to hold the IEP virtually/telephonically or postpone it and hold it within 30 days of students returning to campus.


Q: My child has related services on their IEP, how will those supports be provided?

A: If your child receives any related services such as occupational therapy, counseling, speech and language, etc, those providers will be contacting you to share how they will be supporting those areas of need during emergency distance learning; which may include, but are not limited to, consultation with parent/staff, direct interaction with your child via virtual platforms or by telephone, and provided activities to be completed in between virtual/telephonic sessions. Anything provided will be in compliance with federal, state, and local health official’s guidance related to social distancing and consistent with the District’s main priority of keeping its students, teachers and service providers safe and healthy.



(Last Updated 3/27/2020)